Ya era hora, ya tenemos una release para Moodle 1.9 del NWiki. Es una versión para osados daredevils sin miedo a los bugs ni al Snowcrash. No hay miedo no hay dolor NWiki mola... ( voy a dejar las golosinas de ositos de goma.)
Aqui dejo copia del spam en el foro de moodle ;-)
NWiki for 1.9 Beta Extreme for diehard beta testers
Finally The NWiki for 1.9 Beta is here. This one is a Extreme Beta version for those moodle diehards and nwiki daredevils that we (dfwikiteam) totally love.
This version comes with the latest roars of the dfwikilabs jungle:
* stuff taken out : timelines and grades and other things that do not belong in wiki. (Grades will be back, but we are redesigning all the engine to make it useful and usable)
* section editing, and lock engine rebuild
* NWiki for 1.8 tested migration engine
* code cleaning
* nwiki markup compatible with both mediawiki and creole
And the usual stuff. Don't forget to enable blocks on activities moodlewide and enjoy the nwiki blocks. Remember that since 1.8 the NWiki COURSE FORMAT is stable and COOL, if you want to wiki in your course THIS IS THE WAY TO GO. My students refer to my moodle installation as "The wiki" ... (Martin I call it moodle is not on purpose
So please, my beloved diehards... this 1.9 version needs your comments cause this is the one that will be squeezed in 2.0
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